Critical thinking is a way of evaluating and analyzing problems to reach a conclusion which is the solution. This kind of thinking is used by any person who has responsibilities like parents, lawyers, doctors or even pupils. Each one of those has problems which need to be solved effectively using critical thinking. When faced with a problem, a critical thinker should listen cautiously to the information given, analyze them, be curious and look for any missing evidence in order to come up with solution. To do so is essential to improve our social life, communication skills and other aspects of life. To become a critical thinker you should be able to share ideas and develop a sense of curiosity. 
The pyramid called Bloom’s Taxonomy shows the six levels of thinking. The critical thinking levels are simple at the bottom and gets more complex as you go upwards. Starting from the bottom, knowledge is only remembering the information of a topic. Second is comprehension which is understanding the topic. Third is application which is paraphrasing. Fourth is analysis where you break down the information. Then comes synthesis which is redesigning. Finally you draw conclusions and this is evaluation.

The pyramid called Bloom’s Taxonomy shows the six levels of thinking. The critical thinking levels are simple at the bottom and gets more complex as you go upwards. Starting from the bottom, knowledge is only remembering the information of a topic. Second is comprehension which is understanding the topic. Third is application which is paraphrasing. Fourth is analysis where you break down the information. Then comes synthesis which is redesigning. Finally you draw conclusions and this is evaluation.
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